Friday, November 18, 2011

We have arrived!!

We flew from Houston to Santo Domingo, DR via Panama City, Panama (with a 7 hour layover).  The fun started when the taxi brother came to pick us up.  We know have learned about being flexible and traveling the DR way.  I had made contact with him weeks prior and mentioned that we would have 6 extra suitcases (which really were boxes) and the 5 suitcases for our family, all of our backpacks and three carry on suitcases.  His answer was "no problem".  He did decide to have one other brother come with his car also.  Thank goodness, since as you can see from the pictures there is no way it would all fit in one car, especially seeing the size of the car.  Here are some pictures of all of our stuff trying to figure our how we will get it all loaded.  There are a couple pictures of the cars loaded the "DR way".  Remember, the larger of the two cars was a Toyota Camry and the other car was even smaller.  Thank goodness for rope. 

We finally made it to the apartment which we had rented for $40 a night.  It was about a 10 minute walk to the branch.  I will post another post about our visit to the branch.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Looks like when we moved to Cambodia.... Smart using boxes they weigh nothing!
